Historical Social Research

HSR 45 (2020)

For 2020, the following issues are accessible:

  • HSR Volume 45.4 (2020). Negotiating the Aftermath of Violence Induced Mobility in the Wake of the Second World War. Rethinking Sources, Methods and Approaches from the Intersection of War and Migration Studies in the Digital Age
  • HSR Volume 45.3 (2020). Social Finance, Impact Investing, and the Financialization of the Public Interest / Challenges for Big Data Analysis. Data Quality and Data Analysis of Analogous and Digital Mass Data
  • HSR Volume 45.2 (2020). Military and Welfare State: Conscription, Military Interests, and Western Welfare States in the Age of Industrialized Mass Warfare
  • HSR Volume 45.1 (2020). Emotion, Authority, and National Character: Historical-Processual Perspectives