39.2 - Spatial Analysis
Special Issue: Spatial Analysis
- Nina Baur, Linda Hering, Anna Laura Raschke & Cornelia Thierbach: Theory and Methods in Spatial Analysis. Towards Integrating Qualitative, Quantitative and Cartographic Approaches in the Social Sciences and Humanities.
- Sebastian Scholl, Matthias Lahr-Kurten & Marc Redepenning: Considering the Role of Presence and Absence in Space Constructions. Ethnography as Methodology in Human Geography.
- Jannecke Rauscher: Grasping Cities through Literary Representations. A Mix of Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Analyze Crime Novels.
- Petra Gehring & Andreas Großmann: Constructing Discursive Differences. Towards a "Logic" of Cities.
- Grégoire Mallard: Studying Tensions between Imaginary Spaces and Concrete Places: The Method of Paired Biographies Applied to Scientists' Laboratory Lives.
- Cornelia Thierbach & Alexandra Lorenz: Exploring the Orientation in Space. Mixing Focused Ethnography and Surveys in Social Experiment.
- Sabina Reh & Robert Temel: Observing the Doings of Built Spaces. Attempts of an Ethnography of Materiality.
- Eva-Christina Edinger: Examining Space Perceptions. Combining Visual and Verbal Data with Reactive and Non-Reactive Methods in Studies of the Elderly and Library Users.
- Bettina Lelong: Grasping Micro-Macro-Interactions in Urban Development Politics: A Multidimensional Network Approach to Collective Action.
- Grabriela B. Christmann: Investigating Spatial Transformation Processes. An Ethnographic Discourse Analysis in Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods.
- Nina Baur: Comparing Societies and Cultures. Challenges of Cross-Cultural Survey Research as an Approach to Spatial Analysis.
- Vojtěch Nosek & Pavlína Netrdová: Measuring Spatial Aspects of Variability. Comparing Spatial Autocorrelation with Regional Decomposition in International Unemployment Research.
- Anjanette M. Chan-Tack: The Case for Spatially-Sensitive Data. How Data Structures Affect Spatial Measurement and Substantive Theory.