Media and Communications Research
- Thomas Hoebel, Jo Reichertz & René Tuma: Visibilities of Violence. On Visual Violence Research and Current Methodological Challenges.
- Anne Nassauer: Video Data Analysis as a Tool for Studying Escalation Processes: The Case of Police Use of Force.
- Christian Meyer & Ulrich v. Wedelstaedt: Opening the Black Box: An Ethnomethodological Approach for the Video-Based Analysis of Violence.
- Laura D. Keesman & Don Weenink: Feel it Coming: Situational Turning Points in Police-Civilian Encounters.
- Susanne Nef & Friederike Lorenz-Sinai: Multilateral Generation of Violence: On the Theorization of Microscopic Analyses and Empirically Grounded Theories of Violence.
- Frithjof Nungesser: Studying the Invisible. Experiences of Extreme Violence as a Methodological Challenge.
- Wolff-Michael Roth: The Emergence and Unfolding of Violent Events: A Transactional Approach.
- Jo Reichertz: Escalation of Violence in Unclear Situations – A Methodological Proposal for Video Analysis.
- Ekkehard Coenen & René Tuma: Contextural and Contextual – Introducing a Heuristic of Third Parties in Sequences of Violence.
- Thomas Hoebel: Emplotments of Violence. On Narrative Explanations and their Audiovisual Data.
- Thomas Alkemeyer: The Embodied Subjectivities of Videography.
- Gesa Lindemann, Jonas Barth & Johanna Fröhlich: The Methodological Relevance of a Theory-of-Society Perspective for the Empirical Analysis of Violence.
- César Antonio Cisneros Puebla: Microsociology of Killing in Mexican Video Executions.
- Csilla Rudas & János Török: Modeling the Wikipedia to Understand the Dynamics of Long Disputes and Biased Articles.
- Christina Ljungberg: Iconicity in Cognition and Communication.
- Nils Geißler & Michela Tardella: Observational Drawing. From Words to Diagrams.
- Sebastian Sevignani: Surveillance, Classification, and Social Inequality in Informational Capitalism: The Relevance of Exploitation in the Context of Markets in Information.
- Inge Marszolek & Yvonne Robel: The Communicative Construction of Collectivities: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Media History.
- Rolf Parr: Nationalstereotype im internationalen Fußball.
- Maja Suderland: Die Sozioanalyse literarischer Texte als Methode der qualitativen Sozialforschung oder: Welche Wirklichkeit enthält Fiktion?
- Daniel Hienert: A Model for the Integration of Interactive Visualizations into the Process of Information Searching and Linking on the Web.
- Daniel Hienert: Grundlagen der Informationssuche, Informationsvisualisierung und Informationsverarbeitung für die Integration von interaktiven Visualisierungen in die Websuche.
- Eduardo Andrés Vizer & Helenice Carvalho: Socioanalysis: A Communicational Research Device for Social Intervention.
- Christoph Classen, Susanne Kinnebrock & Maria Löblich: Towards Web History: Sources, Methods, and Challenges in the Digital Age. An Introduction.
- Niels Brügger: When the Present Web is Later the Past: Web Historiography, Digital History, and Internet Studies.
- Christian Schwarzenegger: Exploring Digital Yesterdays – Reflections on New Media and the Future of Communication History.
- Christian Oggolder: Inside – Outside. Web History and the Ambivalent Relationship between Old and New Media.
- Albrecht Hoppe & Rudolf Stöber: Amtspresse in Preußen. Zur Erschließung der Provinzial-Correspondenz und Neuesten Mittheilungen.
- Patrick Rössler, Achim Bonte & Katja Leiskau: Digitization of Popular Print Media as a Source for Studies on Visual Communication: Illustrated Magazines of the Weimar Republic.
- Rainer Schützeichel: Verstehen in professionalen Interaktionen.
- Konrad H. Jarausch: Historische Texte der DDR aus der Perspektive des linguistic turn [1998].
- Konrad H. Jarausch: Die Krise der nationalen Meistererzählungen. Ein Plädoyer für plurale, interdependente Narrative [2002].
- Franz Breuer: The “Other” Speaks Up. When Social Science (Re)presentations Provoke Reactance from the Field.
- Roland Wenzlhuemer: Telecommunication and globalization in the nineteenth century: editorial.
- Roland Wenzlhuemer: Globalization, communication and the concept of space in global history.
- Daniel Headrick: A double-edged sword: communications and imperial control in British India.
- Daqing Yang: Telecommunication and the Japanese Empire: a preliminary analysis of telegraphic traffic.
- Paul Fletcher: The uses and limitations of telegrams in official correspondence between Ceylon's Governor General and the Secretary of State for the Colonies, circa 1870-1900.
- Javier Márquez Quevedo: Telecommunications and colonial rivalry: European telegraph cables to the Canary Islands and Northwest Africa, 1883-1914.
- Deep Kanta Lahiri Choudhury: Of codes and coda: meaning in telegraph messages, circa 1850-1920.
- Gordon M. Winder: Imagining world citizenship in the networked newspaper: La Nación reports the assassination at Sarajevo, 1914.
- Amelia Bonea: The medium and its message: reporting the Austro-Prussian War in the Times of India.
- Michael Mann: The deep digital divide: the telephone in British India 1883-1933.
- Heidi J.S. Evans: "The path to freedom"? Transocean and German wireless telegraphy, 1914-1922.
- Simone Müller: The transatlantic telegraphs and the Class of 1866: the formative years of transnational networks in telegraphic space, 1858-1884/89.
- Alexander Schwieren: 'Freiwilliger Abschied'? Die Imagination des Gerontozids als Verhandlung der Lebensdauer in der Moderne.
- Britta Baumgarten & Jonas Grauel: The theoretical potential of website and newspaper data for analysing political communication processes.