Elite Research
- Daniel Bultmann: A Global and Diachronic Approach to the Study of Social Fields.
- Heinrich Best & Ursula Hoffmann-Lange: Challenged Elites – Elites as Challengers. Towards a Unified Theory of Representative Elites.
- Maurizio Cotta: Vulnerability, Resilience, and Responses: The European Elites System under a Prolonged Crisis.
- Farida Jalalzai & Meg Rincker: Blood is Thicker than Water: Family Ties to Political Power Worldwide.
- Elena Semenova: Corporate Recruitment and Networks in Germany: Change, Stability, or Both?
- Jérôme Heurtaux: Elites and Revolution: Political Relegation and Reintegration of Former Senior Government Officials in Tunisia.
- Trygve Gulbrandsen: Continued Elite Support for the Norwegian Version of the Nordic Model?
- Oxana Gaman-Golutvina: Political Elites in the USA under George W. Bush and Barack Obama: Structure and International Politics.
- Hans-Dieter Klingemann & Ursula Hoffmann-Lange: The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Support for Democracy.
- Ursula Hoffmann-Lange: Parliamentarians’ Evaluations of the Global Economic Crisis.
- Hans-Dieter Klingemann: The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Patterns of Support for Democracy in Germany.
- Patrik Öhberg: Not all Crises are Detrimental for the Government. The Global Economic Crisis and the Swedish Case.
- Radosław Markowski & Agnieszka Kwiatkowska: The Political Impact of the Global Economic Crisis in Poland: Delayed and Indirect Effects.
- Sang-Jin Han & Young-Hee Shim: The Global Economic Crisis, Dual Polarization, and Liberal Democracy in South Korea.
- Yilmaz Esmer & Bahar Ayça Okçuoğlu: Dimensions of Political Representation: Ideological and Policy Congruence between the Representative and the Represented in Seven Countries.
- Lars Vogel & Juan Rodríguez-Teruel: Staying on Course in Turbulent Times: National Political Elites and the Crisis of European Integration.
- Bojana Kocijan & Marko Kukec: From Hard Consensus to Soft Euroscepticism: Attitudes of Croatian MPs on EU Integration.
- Lars Vogel: Maintaining the Permissive Consensus in Times of Crises: The Europeanness of Germany’s Political Elites, 2007-2014.
- Yannis Tsirbas & Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos: Europe at the Epicenter of National Politics: The Attitudes of Greek Political Elites Towards the European Union and the Economic Crisis.
- Borbála Göncz & György Lengyel: Changing Attitudes of Hungarian Political Elites Towards the EU (2007-2014).
- Nicolò Conti, Maurizio Cotta & Luca Verzichelli: The Economic Crisis and its Effects on the Attitudes of Italian Political Elites Towards the EU.
- Irmina Matonyte, Gintaras Šumskas & Vaidas Morkevičius: Europeanness of Lithuanian Political Elite: Europhilia, Russophobia and Neoliberalism.
- Pedro T. Magalhães, João Cancela & Catherine Moury: Scattered Clouds in the Horizon of Consensus: Attitudes of Portuguese Parliamentary Elites Towards Europe Before and After the Crisis.
- Matej Makarovič, Lea Prijon, Mateja Rek & Matevž Tomšič: The Strength of Pro-European Consensus Among Slovenian Political Elites.
- Juan Rodríguez-Teruel, José Real-Dato & Miguel Jerez: But Still Enthusiastic: the Unchanged Europeannes of the Spanish Parliamentary Elite during the Eurozone Crisis.
- Dobrinka Kostova: Report on Bulgaria: Elites’ Europeanness and their Trust in Institutions.
- Jan Pakulski: John Higley’s Work on Elite Foundations of Social Theory and Politics.
- G. William Domhoff: An Invitation to a Four-Network Theory of Power: A New Viewpoint Compatible with Elite Theory.
- Jan Pakulski: The Weberian Foundations of Modern Elite Theory and Democratic Elitism.
- András Körösényi: Monopolistic Competition, Auction and Authorization. A Schumpeterian View of Leadership and the Political Market.
- Heinrich Best: Marx or Mosca? An Inquiry into the Foundations of Ideocratic Regimes.
- Thomas A. Baylis: Elite Consensus and Political Polarization: Cases from Central Europe.
- György Lengyel & Gabriella Ilonszki: Simulated Democracy and Pseudo-Transformational Leadership in Hungary.
- Anton Steen: Elite and Mass Confidence in New Democracies – Towards Congruence? The Baltic States 1992-2007.
- Trygve Gulbrandsen: Elite Integration – An Empirical Study.
- Maurizio Cotta: Political Elites and a Polity in the Making: The Case of the EU.
- Ursula Hoffmann-Lange: Vertical and Horizontal Accountability of Global Elites: Some Theoretical Reflections and a Preliminary Research Agenda.
- Jean-Pascal Daloz: Elite (Un)Conspicuousness: Theoretical Reflections on Ostentation vs. Understatement.
- Gwen Moore & Scott Dolan: U.S. Elite and Public Views on Anti-Terrorist Military Action: Are Women Less Militaristic?.
- John Higley & Michael G. Burton: The Elite Variable in Democratic Transitions and Breakdowns [1989].
- Mattei Dogan & John Higley: Elites, Crises, and Regimes in Comparative Analysis [1998].
- John Higley & Jan Pakulski: Elite Power Games and Democratic Consolidation in Central and Eastern Europe [1999].
- John Higley & Jan Pakulski: Elite Theory versus Marxism: The Twentieth Century’s Verdict [2000].
- John Higley & Jan Pakulski: Elite and Leadership Change in Liberal Democracies [2007].
- John Higley: Democratic Elitism and Western Political Thought [2009].
- Heinrich Best, Ronald Gebauer & Axel Salheiser: Political and Functional Elites in Post-Socialist Transformation: Central and East Europe since 1989/90. An Introduction.
- Tetiana Kostiuchenko: Elite Continuity in Ukraine: When Networks Matter (?).
- Cătălin Augustin Stoica: “Our Martyrs of 1989 Did Not Die for This!”: Political Capitalism in Post-Communist Romania.
- Frane Adam & Matevž Tomšič: The Dynamics of Elites and the Type of Capitalism: Slovenian Exceptionalism?
- Elena Semenova: Continuities in the Formation of Russian Political Elites.
- Diana Digol: Transformation of Diplomatic Elites in Post-Communist Societies.
- Luca Kristóf: What Happened Afterwards? Change and Continuity in the Hungarian Elite between 1988 and 2009.
- Axel Salheiser: Socialist and Post-Socialist Functional Elites in East Germany.
- Ronald Gebauer: Cadrelites? Career Continuity, Discontinuity, or Disruption of former Socialist Elites in the Early 1990s. An Event History Analysis on the Basis of Statistically Matched Data.
- Ronald Gebauer & Stefan Jahr: Second Life in the Bundestag? Former GDR Delegates in German Parliaments.
- Heinrich Best: Transitions, transformations and the role of elites.
- Károly Szabó: Forming of new elites: the Hungarian case.
- Oxana Gaman-Golutvina: Russian society and elites in 1989-2009: transformation results and future perspectives.
- Dietmar Remy & Axel Salheiser: Integration or exclusion: former national socialists in the GDR.
- Heinz Fehlauer: NS-Unterlagen aus dem Berlin Document Center und die Debatte um ehemalige NSDAP-Mitgliedschaften.
- Heinrich Best: The formation of socialist elites in the GDR: continuities with national socialist Germany.
- Sandra Meenzen: "Gutes Klassenbewusstsein, Parteiverbundenheit und Prinzipienfestigkeit": SED-Sekretäre mit NSDAP-Vergangenheit in Thüringen.
- Jens Gieseke: Antifaschistischer Staat und postfaschistische Gesellschaft: die DDR, das MfS und die NS-Täter.
- Jens Kuhlemann: Differenzierte Biografien, differenzierte Integration: ehemalige Nationalsozialisten in der Deutschen Wirtschaftskommission und den DDR-Regierungsdienststellen (1948-1957).
- Axel Salheiser: Social inequality, mobility, and the illegitimate inheritance of status: recruitment and career patterns of GDR business elites.
- Armin Müller: Konkurrierende Netzwerke: SED und alte Intelligenz in Unternehmen der DDR-Industrie.
- Ronald Gebauer: The peaceful revolution and its aftermath: collective memory and the victims of communism in East Germany.
- Christoph Franke: Genealogies of noble families as a database for social science? Possibilities and limits.
- Victor Karady: Elite formation in the other Europe (19th-20th century): editorial.
- Jan Eivind Myhre: Academics as the ruling elite in 19th century Norway.
- Lea Leppik: Social mobility and career patterns of Estonian intellectuals in the Russian empire.
- Milos Reznik: Elitenwandel, tschechische Nationsbildung und der böhmische Adel.
- Andrea Pokludová: Forming intelligentsia in Moravia and Silesia in the second half of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century.
- Pieter Dhondt: Ambiguous loyalty to the Russian Tsar: the universities of Dorpat and Helsinki as nation building institutions.
- Peter Tibor Nagy: The problem of the confessional recruitment of the students at the Faculties of the Humanities and Science of the Transylvanian University.
- Victor Karady: Educated elites in pre-socialist Hungary - 1867-1948: issues, approaches, sources and some preliminary results of an overall survey.
- Julia Disson: Privileged noble high schools and the formation of Russian national elites in the first part of the 19th century.
- Peter Urbanitsch: The high civil service corps in the last period of the multi-ethnic empire between national and imperial loyalties.
- Tibor Hajdu: Transformations of the officer corps in Hungary (1900-1940).
- Lucian Nastasa: The education of Romanian university professors in Western universities.
- Georgeta Nazarska: Bulgarian women medical doctors in the social modernization of the Bulgarian nation state (1878-1944).
- Christophe Charle: Elite formation in late nineteenth century: France compared to Britain and Germany.
- Jaap Dronkers: Declining homogamy of Austrian-German nobility in the 20th century?: a comparison with the Dutch nobility.
- Fanny Colonna: Training the national elites in Colonial Algeria 1920-1954.
- Afranio Garcia: Elite's recomposition and state-building in contemporary Brazil (1920-1964).
- Wilhelm Heinz Schröder: Heinrich Best: Streiter für die Konvergenz von Geschichte und Soziologie: Reminiszenzen und Reflektionen zur Etablierung der Historischen Sozialforschung.
- Heinrich Best: Der langfristige Wandel politischer Eliten in Europa 1867-2000: auf dem Weg der Konvergenz?