Online Supplement: HSR Trans
HSR Trans is a freely accessible online supplement of the journal Historical Social Research which serves to complement the printed Historical Social Research and Historical Social Research Supplement. HSR Trans includes publications which are particularly suited for online publication such as: introductions, lecture notes, readers, data documentation, data sets and databases.
- Vol. 35: Online Appendix with Original Quotes for: Security, Society, and the State: Vaccination Campaigns in 19th and 20th Century Germany
- Vol. 34: Online Appendix to: A Border Regime in the Making? The Case of the Contact Line in Ukraine
- Vol. 33: Documentation of Choroplet Maps for Germany, 1882-2017
- Vol. 32: Documentation of the German Time Series Data Set, 1834-2018
- Vol. 31: Online Appendix to: The Perception of the Integration of North and South Korea
- Vol. 30: Online Appendix to: Peace through Cooperation or Peace through Strength? How to Achieve Peace in the Very Intractable Conflict Society
- Vol. 29: Online Appendix to: Economics Degrees in the French University Space: Heteronomy and Professionalization of Curricula 1970-2009
- Vol. 28: Online Appendix to: Eurasia Advantage, not Genetic Diversity: Against Ashraf and Galor’s “Genetic Diversity” Hypothesis
- Vol. 27: Speech held by DFB President Bauwens, 1954 (Transcript)
- Vol. 26: Documentation of the German Time Series Data Set, 1834-2012
- Vol. 25: Online Appendix to: Economic Crisis and the Breakdown of Democracy in the Interwar Years: A Reassessment
- Vol. 24: Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung DDR
- Vol. 23: Jugend / Jugendbilder
- Vol. 22: Characteristics of Mass Data
- Vol. 21: Bruttoinlandsprodukt etc. in Ostdeutschland
- Vol. 20: Historie der amtlichen Statistiken der Erwerbstätigen in Deutschland
- Vol. 19: Parlamentarismus- Elite- & Biographieforschung
- Vol. 18: NSDAP-Mitglieder Bernburg
- Vol. 17: Statistik der DDR
- Vol. 16: Geographische Statistik I.
- Vol. 15: Rätekongresse
- Vol. 14: Datenbankmanagement
- Vol. 13: BIOSOP-Abgeordnetenverzeichnis
- Vol. 12: SOEP - spezifische Problemlösungen mit Stata
- Vol. 11: Stata für Umsteiger
- Vol. 10: Einführung in multivariate Analyseverfahren
- Vol. 9: Sozialdemokratische Parlametarier 1867-1933 (Download)
- Vol. 8: Statistische Modelle in der Historischen Sozialforschung
- Vol. 7: Grundkurs Statistik für Historiker
- Vol. 6: EDV-Arbeitstechniken für Historiker
- Vol. 5: Chronik Erwerbstätigenstatistik
- Vol. 4: HSR-Retro: Contens 1978-2003
- Vol. 3: Bibliography: Formal Methods in History
- Vol. 2: Lexikon Erwerbstätigenstatistik DDR
- Vol. 1: Bioweil–Abgeordnetendatenbank