30.4 - TV-Serie „Holocaust”30.3 - Siblings – Parents – Grandparents 30.2 - Entrepreneurs and Managers 30.1 - Qualitative Social ResearchSuppl. 17 - Gesamtrechnung Ostdeutschland
29.4 - Mixed Issue29.3 - Environmental History 29.2 - Historical Information Science 29.1 - New Media Suppl. 16 - Bibliographie 1975-2000
28.4 - Focus28.3 - Marriage Behaviour 28.1/2 - Functional Elites Suppl. 15 - HSR Abstracts
27.4 - Human and Social Capital27.2/3 - Stichprobenziehung in Archiven27.1 - Historical Innovation ResearchSuppl. 14 - Datenbankmanagement
26.4 - Mixed Issue26.2/3 - Denunciation26.1 - Virtual LearningSuppl. 13 - Erwerbstätigkeit in Deutschland.
25.3/4 - Time Series Analysis25.2 - Anthropologie25.1 - Mixed IssueSuppl. 12 - FachinformationSuppl. 11 - Parlamentarismus
24.4 - Mixed Issue24.3 - Sonderheft Humanities-Net24.2 - Mixed Issue24.1 - Mixed IssueSuppl. 10 - Politische Partizipation
23.4 - Mixed Issue23.3 - Mixed Issue23.1/2 - Sonderheft Teil III Suppl. 9 - Deskription und Inferenz
22.3/4 - Sonderheft Teil II 22.2 - Sonderheft Teil I 22.1 - Mixed IssueSuppl. 8 - Geschichte Online
21.4 - Mixed Issue 21.3 - Mixed Issue 21.2 - Mixed Issue 21.1 - Mixed Issue
20.4 - Mixed Issue20.3 - PC-Software 20.2 - Makrosoziologie 20.1 - Mixed Issue Suppl. 7 - Statistische Modelle I
19.4 - Mixed Issue19.3 - Methoden der Zeitreihenanalyse 2 19.2 - Mixed Issue19.1 - Mixed Issue Suppl. 6 - Historische Sozialforschung
18.4 - Mixed Issue18.3 - Mixed Issue18.2 - Homage to Erwin K. Scheuch18.1 - Mixed Issue
17.4 - Mixed Issue 17.3 - Mixed Issue 17.2 - Mixed Issue17.1 - Mixed Issue Suppl. 5 - Verlaufsdatenanalyse
16.4 - Mixed Issue16.3 - Mixed Issue 16.2 - Quantitative Methods 16.1 - Mixed IssueSuppl. 4 - Lange Wellen
15.4 - Criminal Justice History 15.3 - Skalierungsverfahren15.2 - Mixed Issue15.1 - Mixed IssueSuppl. 3 - Statistik für Historiker II
14.4 - Computer Applications II 14.3 - Computer Applications I14.2 - Clusteranalyse14.1 - Mixed Issue Suppl. 2 - Statistik für Historiker I
13.4 - Mixed Issue13.3 - Zeitreihenanalyse 1 13.2 - Homage to Erwin K. Scheuch13.1 - Mixed Issue Suppl. 1 - Historische Sozialforschung
12.4 - History of Employment Structure12.2/3 - Methoden der Multivariaten Analyse12.1 - Mixed Issue
11.4 - Mixed Issue 11.3 - Mixed Issue 11.2 - Mixed Issue11.1 - Crime and Criminal Justice
10.4 - Mixed Issue10.3 - Mixed Issue10.2 - Mixed Issue10.1 - Mixed Issue
9.4 - Mixed Issue9.3 - Mixed Issue9.2 - Mixed Issue9.1 - Mixed Issue
8.4 - Mixed Issue8.3 - Mixed Issue8.2 - Mixed Issue8.1 - Mixed Issue
7.4 - Mixed Issue7.3 - Mixed Issue7.2 - Mixed Issue7.1 - Mixed Issue
6.4 - Mixed Issue6.3 - Mixed Issue6.2 - Mixed Issue6.1 - Mixed Issue
5.4 - Mixed Issue5.3 - Mixed Issue5.2 - Mixed Issue5.1 - Mixed Issue
4.4 - Mixed Issue4.3 - Mixed Issue4.2 - Mixed Issue
3.3 - Mixed Issue3.2 - Mixed Issue3.1 - Mixed Issue