37.2 - Elite Transformation
Special Issue
- Best, Heinrich; Gebauer, Ronald; Salheiser, Axel: Political and Functional Elites in Post-Socialist Transformation: Central and East Europe since 1989/90. An Introduction.
- Kostiuchenko, Tetiana: Elite Continuity in Ukraine: When Networks Matter (?).
- Stoica, Cătălin Augustin: “Our Martyrs of 1989 Did Not Die for This!”: Political Capitalism in Post-Communist Romania.
- Adam, Frane; Tomšič, Matevž: The Dynamics of Elites and the Type of Capitalism: Slovenian Exceptionalism?
- Semenova, Elena: Continuities in the Formation of Russian Political Elites.
- Digol, Diana: Transformation of Diplomatic Elites in Post-Communist Societies.
- Kristóf, Luca: What Happened Afterwards? Change and Continuity in the Hungarian Elite between 1988 and 2009.
- Salheiser, Axel: Socialist and Post-Socialist Functional Elites in East Germany.
- Gebauer, Ronald: Cadrelites? Career Continuity, Discontinuity, or Disruption of former Socialist Elites in the Early 1990s. An Event History Analysis on the Basis of Statistically Matched Data.
- Gebauer, Ronald; Jahr, Stefan: Second Life in the Bundestag? Former GDR Delegates in German Parliaments.
Mixed Issue
- Beckers, Benjamin; Himmelreicher, Ralf K.; Schröder, Carsten: The Evolution of Tangibles, Financial and Social Security Wealth over the Lifecycle: Estimates for Germany.
- Simonson, Julia; Romeu Gordo, Laura; Kelle, Nadiya: Statistical Matching of the German Aging Survey and the Sample of Active Pension Accounts as a Source for Analyzing Life Courses and Old Age Incomes.
- Booß, Christian: Rechtsanwälte und politische Prozesse in der späten DDR. Eine quantitative Auswertung von MfS-ermittelten Prozessen 1984.
- Schramm, Manuel; Fraunholz, Uwe: Between the Ivory Tower and the Industrial Laboratory: Universities in the West German Innovation System, 1945-1990.
- Diebolt, Claude; Parent, Antoine; Trabelsi, Jamel: Revisiting the 1929 Crisis: Was the Fed Pre-Keynesian? New Lessons from the Past.
- Borowiecki, Karol J.; O’Hagan, John W.: Historical Patterns Based on Automatically Extracted Data: The Case of Classical Composers.
- Lüder, Johannes; Brauer, Achim; Jurisch, Ronald: Breakpoint Detection within the Time Series. Modeling Approach Upon Paleoclimatic Proxy Data.
- Rodrigues da Costa, José; Mata, Maria Eugénia; Justino, David: Estimating the Portuguese Average Cost of Capital.
- Mazhar, Ummad: The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: A Skeptical Note.