43.2 - Visualities – Sports, Bodies, and Visual Sources
Special Issue: Visualities – Sports, Bodies, and Visual Sources.
- Jörn Eiben & Olaf Stieglitz: Depicting Sporting Bodies – Visual Sources in the Writing of Sport History. An Introduction.
- Mike O’Mahony: Through a Glass Darkly: Reflections on Photography and the Visual Representation of Sport.
- Jens Jäger: A Fist on the Cover. Some Remarks on Visual Sources in Sports History.
- Markus Stauff: The Assertive Image: Referentiality and Reflexivity in Sports Photography.
- Michael Krüger: Visual Sources in the History of Sports: Potential, Problems, and Perspectives with Selected Examples of Sporting Art.
- Bernhard Hachleitner & Sema Colpan: The Wunderteam, Painted in Oil: Insights of Images / Insights through Images in Sport Studies.
- Kasia Boddy: American Girl: The Iconographies of Helen Wills.
- Matthias Marschik: Depicting Hakoah. Images of a Zionist Sports Club in Interwar Vienna.
- Melanie Woitas: “Exercise Teaches You the Pleasure of Discipline” – The Female Body in Jane Fonda´s Aerobics Videos.
- Barbara Englert: The Hollywood Sports Film – Visualizing Hidden and Familiar Aspects of American Culture.
- Eva Maria Gajek: More than Munich 1972. Media, Emotions, and the Body in TV Broadcast of the 20th Summer Olympics.
- Markus Stauff: The Pregnant-Moment Photograph: The 1908 London Marathon and the Cross-Media Evaluation of Sport Performances.
- Amanda Shuman: No Longer ‘Sick’: Visualizing ‘Victorious’ Athletes in 1950s Chinese Films.
Mixed Issue
- Eric Linhart & Johannes Raabe: Measuring Party System Concentration Including the Cabinet Level.
- Kevin T. Hall: Luftgangster over Germany: The Lynching of American Airmen in the Shadow of the Air War.
- Jens O. Zinn: The Proliferation of ‘at risk’ in The Times: A Corpus Approach to Historical Social Change, 1785-2009.