40.4 - Animal Politics / Football History
Forum I: Animal Politics. A New Research Agenda in Political Theory
- Svenja Ahlhaus & Peter Niesen: What is Animal Politics? Outline of a New Research Agenda.
- Bernd Ladwig: Animal Rights – Politicised, but not Humanised. An Interest-Based Critique of Citizenship for Domesticated Animals.
- Thomas Saretzki: Taking Animals Seriously: Interpreting and Institutionalizing Human-Animal Relationships in Modern Democracies.
- Tine Stein: Human Rights and Animal Rights: Differences Matter.
- Sandra Seubert: Politics of Inclusion. Which Conception of Citizenship for Animals?
- Johannes Marx & Christine Tiefensee: Of Animals, Robots and Men.
- Andreas T. Schmidt: Why Animals have an Interest in Freedom.
- Federico Zuolo: Equality among Animals and Religious Slaughter.
- Karsen Nowrot: Animals at War: The Status of “Animal Soldiers” under International Humanitarian Law.
Forum II: Football History. Selected Contributions to Sport in Society
- Jutta Braun: Football History – A German Perspective on Current Research Fields.
- Kay Schiller: Siegen für Deutschland? Patriotism, Nationalism and the German National Football Team, 1954-2014.
- Diethelm Blecking: Das “Wunder von Bern“ 1954 – Zur politischen Instrumentalisierung eines Mythos.
- Nils Havemann: Soziale Marktwirtschaft und “Wirtschaftswunder“ im bundesdeutschen Berufsfußball der 1950er und 1960er Jahre?
- Katharina Barsch: The Path of European Football. A Level Playing Field for only 90 Minutes.
- Wolfram Pyta: Football Memory in a European Perspective. The Missing Link in the European Integration Process.
- Matthew Taylor: The People’s Game and the People’s War: Football, Nation and Class in Britain, 1939-1945.
- Rolf Parr: Nationalstereotype im internationalen Fußball.
- David Forster & Georg Spitaler: Viennese Football and the German Wehrmacht – Between “Duty” and Evasion.
- Michael Krüger: History of Sports Medicine in Germany. Some Preliminary Reflections on a Complex Research Project.