HSR 34 (2009)
For 2009, the following issues are freely accessible:
- HSR Volume 34.4 (2009). Special Issue: Premature Death. Patterns of Identity and Meaning From a Historical Perspective
- HSR Volume 34.3 (2009). Special Issue: Social Bookkeeping Data. Data Quality and Data Management
- HSR Volume 34.2 (2009). Special Issue: Counterfactual Thinking as a Scientific Method
- HSR Volume 34.1 (2009). Special Issue: Linking Theory and Data. Process-Generated and Longitudinal Data for Analysing Long-Term Social Processing
- HSR Supplement 21 (2009). Gerhard Heske: Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung DDR 1950-1989. Daten, Methoden, Vergleiche.