Historical Social Research

Suppl. 19 - Grounded Theory Reader

HSR Supplement No. 19 (2007): Mey & Mruck: Grounded Theory Reader

Günter Mey & Katja Mruck: Grounded Theory Reader

The HSR Supplement: “Grounded Theory Reader” is a collection of papers – some published before in Forum: Qualitative Social Research (FQS), some are invited especially for the supplement – dedicated to Grounded Theory Methodology (GTM).

The supplement contains two parts:

Part I – titled “Positions and Controversies” ­– elaborates theoretical and methodological discussions and explores different understandings of GTM. Besides the papers there are two interviews conducted with founders/developers of GTM.

Part II – “Reflections on GTM Practise” – focuses on the concrete use of GTM in empirical research, and the contributors present their analyses of their applications of GTM during the research process (and possible problems while doing this). The reflections should help readers to understand how GTM works in practice, although they should not be read as “how-to-do” guidelines or recipes.

Like all supplements published in HSR, the “Grounded Theory Reader” is offered as a useful tool for every day research, in this case by supporting researchers who are interested in conducting their own study using GTM.
