14.4 - Computer Applications II
HSR Vol. 14 (1989) No. 4: Special Issue: Computer Applications in the Historical Sciences: Selected Contributions to the Cologne Computer Conference 1988 Part II.
- Carrillo, Elsa: Discourse analysis in contemporary history of Mexico: from quantitative to qualitative approach.
- Panzeri, Matteo: Automatic indexes of literary sources for art history: the Notizie by Frederico Alizeri.
- Rao, Mythili; Marathe, Ashok: South Indian Megalithic Culture: database and its application.
- Riccetti, Lucio: Social history and computer: the construction yard of the cathedral of Orvieto between the 14th and the 15th century.
- Wald, Dietrich; Schäfer, W.; Sahm, P. R.; Stock, M.; Eibner, C.: Bestimmung der Gießtechnik historischer Gußstücke mit Hilfe numerischer Simulation.
- Dunn, David: The future of historical simulations.
- Ayton, Andrew: Computing for history undergraduates: a strategy for database integration.
- Choppin, Alain: EMMANUELLE: a data base for textbooks' history in Europe.
- Derosas, Renzo: A database for the study of the Italian population registers.
- Hislop, Richard: ArtQuest and the ASI Art Reference Library.
- Lana, Maurizio: Hardware and software for a PC-based workstation devoted to philological (principally Greek and Latin) studies.
- Lawrence, Veronica: Autorship and the computer: an anonymous piece of late medieval devotional literature.
- Maguer, Jacques le: Using PSILOG, a new acquisition package to update FRANCIS.
- Messelken, Hans: Computerunterstützte Textanalyse.
- Nemeskeri, Istvan; Kovac, Imre: TSP Table Management Statistical Program for the Analysis of Historical Statistics.
- Harscheidt, Michael: Biographieforschung: Werden und Wandel einer komplexen Methode.