Economic Sociology
- Eve Chiapello & Lisa Knoll: Social Finance and Impact Investing. Governing Welfare in the Era of Financialization.
- Emily Barman: Many a Slip: The Challenge of Impact as Boundary Object in Social Finance.
- Antoine Ducastel & Ward Anseeuw: Impact Investing in South Africa: Investing in Empowerment, Empowering Investors.
- Serena Natile: Digital Finance Inclusion and the Mobile Money “Social” Enterprise: A Socio-Legal Critique of M-Pesa in Kenya.
- Jacob Hellman: Feeling Good and Financing Impact: Affective Judgments as a Tool for Social Investing.
- Théo Bourgeron: Constructing the Double Circulation of Capital and “Social Impact.” An Ethnographic Study of a French Impact Investment Fund.
- Davide Caselli: Did You Say “Social Impact”? Welfare Transformations, Networks of Expertise, and the Financialization of Italian Welfare.
- Leslie Huckfield: The Mythology of the Social Impact Bond. A Critical Assessment from a Concerned Observer.
- Manuel Wirth: Nudging Subjects at Risk: Social Impact Bonds between Financialization and Compassion.
- Lisa Knoll & Konstanze Senge: Public Debt Management between Discipline and Creativity: Accounting for Energy Performance Contracts in Germany.
- Anne Piezunka: Struggle for Acceptance – Maintaining External School Evaluation as an Institution in Germany.
- Maria Elo: Immigrant Effect and Collective Entrepreneurship -The Creation and Development of a Turkish Entrepreneurial Group.
- Stefan Berwing: Extending Mixed Embeddedness: Entrepreneurial Figurations of Entrepreneurs with Migrant Origins in Germany.
- Christian Schmidt-Wellenburg & Frédéric Lebaron: There Is No Such Thing as “the Economy”. Economic Phenomena Analysed from a Field-Theoretical Perspective.
- Alexander Lenger: Socialization in the Academic and Professional Field: Revealing the Homo Oeconomicus Academicus.
- Emmanuel Monneau: Economics Degrees in the French University Space: Heteronomy and Professionalization of Curricula 1970-2009. [Online Appendix]
- Arthur Jatteau: The Success of Randomized Controlled Trials: A Sociographical Study of the Rise of J-PAL to Scientific Excellence and Influence.
- Jens Maesse: Globalization Strategies and the Economics Dispositif: Insights from Germany and the UK.
- Christian Schmidt-Wellenburg: Struggling over Crisis. Discoursive Positionings and Academic Positions in the Field of German-Speaking Economists.
- Thierry Rossier & Felix Bühlmann: The Internationalisation of Economics and Business Studies: Import of Excellence, Cosmopolitan Capital, or American Dominance?
- Didier Georgakakis & Frédéric Lebaron: Yanis (Varoufakis), the Minotaur, and the Field of Eurocracy.
- Stephanie L. Mudge & Antoine Vauchez: Too Embedded to Fail: The ECB and the Necessity of Calculating Europe.
- Elisa Klüger: Mapping the Inflections in the Policies of the Brazilian National Economic and Social Development Bank during the 1990s and 2000s within Social Spaces and Networks.
- Mariana Heredia: The International Division of Labor in Economists’ Field. Academic Subordination in Exchange for Political Prerogatives in Argentina.
- Christian Schneickert: Globalizing Political and Economic Elites in National Fields of Power.
- Karoline Krenn: Markets and Classifications – Constructing Market Orders in the Digital Age. An Introduction.
- Marion Fourcade & Kieran Healy: Classification Situations: Life-Chances in the Neoliberal Era.
- Akos Rona-Tas: The Off-Label Use of Consumer Credit Ratings.
- Jason Pridmore & Lalu Elias Hämäläinen: Market Segmentation in (In)Action: Marketing and 'Yet to Be Installed' Role of Big and Social Media Data.
- Karoline Krenn: Segmented Intermediation. Advice Concepts in German Financial Services.
- Eve Chiapello & Gaëtan Godefroy: The Dual Function of Judgment Devices. Why does the Plurality of Market Classifications Matter?
- Sebastian Nagel, Stefanie Hiss, Daniela Woschnack & Bernd Teufel: Between Efficiency and Resilience: The Classification of Companies According to their Sustainability Performance.
- Simone Schiller-Merkens: Will Green Remain the New Black? Dynamics in the Self-Categorization of Ethical Fashion Designers.
- Anne K. Krüger & Martin Reinhart: Theories of Valuation – Building Blocks for Conceptualizing Valuation Between Practice and Structure.
- Shiping Tang: Eurasia Advantage, not Genetic Diversity: Against Ashraf and Galor’s “Genetic Diversity” Hypothesis.
- Bernd Martens: Some Results of the Economic Transformation in East Germany and their Possible Relevance for Korea.
- Michael Fritsch & Michael Wyrwich: Entrepreneurship in the East German Transition Process: Lessons for the Korean Peninsula.
- Hermann Wentker, Jörn Retterath, Sven Keller & Petra Weber: Mehrfachbesprechung Ulrich Herbert: Geschichte Deutschlands im 20. Jahrhundert, München. 2014.
- Jørgen Møller, Alexander Schmotz & Svend-Erik Skaaning: Economic Crisis and Democratic Breakdown in the Interwar Years: A Reassessment.
- Merlin Schaeffer: The Social Meaning of Inherited Financial Assets. Moral Ambivalences of Intergenerational Transfers.
- Christian Morgner: The Evolution of the Art Fair.
- Roberto Riccuiti: Fascism Was Not a Developmental Dictatorship. Evidence from Simple Tests.
- André Steiner: “Common Sense is Necessary.” East German Reactions to the Oil Crises of the 1970s.
- Christian Marx: Failed Solutions to the Energy Crises: Nuclear Power, Coal Conversion, and the Chemical Industry in West Germany since the 1960s.
- Luciana de Souza Leão: Bringing Historical Sociology and Path-Dependence Together: A Case Study of the Brazilian Political Economy (1930-2000).
- Valérie Canals & Claude Diebolt: Die Bildungsökonomie vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg: Ein Bestandteil moderner Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik?
- Ralph Hippe: Are you NUTS? The Factors of Production and their Long-Run Evolution from a Regional Perspective.
- Gerhard Heske: Value Added, Employment and Capital Expenditures in the East German Industry, 1950-2000: Data, Methods, Comparisons. An Introduction.
- Gerhard Heske: Wertschöpfung, Erwerbstätigkeit und Investitionen in der Industrie Ostdeutschlands, 1950-2000: Daten, Methoden, Vergleiche.
- Benjamin Beckers, Ralf K. Himmelreicher & Carsten Schröder: The Evolution of Tangibles, Financial and Social Security Wealth over the Lifecycle: Estimates for Germany.
- Claude Diebolt, Antoine Parent & Jamel Trabelsi: Revisiting the 1929 Crisis: Was the Fed Pre-Keynesian? New Lessons from the Past.
- Manuel Schramm & Uwe Fraunholz: Between the ivory tower and the industrial laboratory: universities in the West German innovation system, 1945-1990.
- José Rodrigues da Costa, Maria Eugénia Mata & David Justino: Estimating the Portuguese Average Cost of Capital.
- Ummad Mazhar: The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: A Skeptical Note.
- Ann-Mari Sellerberg & Vesa Leppänen: A Typology of Narratives of Social Inclusion and Exclusion: The Case of Bankrupt Entrepreneurs.
- Claude Diebolt: Where Are We Now in Cliometrics?
- Marcela Veselkova: Global imbalances from the historical perspective.
- Claude Diebolt: Does Douglass North Offer an Original Research Agenda to Analyse the Relationships Between Education and Economic Performance?
- Antonio Luigi Paolilli & Fabio Pollice: Trajectories of State Formation in Eurasia: A Discussion.
- Claude Diebolt: The stakes of cliometrics in ancient history.
- Jean Luc De Meulemeester & Claude Diebolt: Education and Growth: What Links for Which Policy?
- Claude Diebolt: Robert Fogel: Spiritual Son of Simon Kuznets and Master in Cliometrics.
- Patrik Aspers: Markets, Evaluations and Rankings.
- Rudolf Richter: Institutional Economics of the “Market Itself”. An Attempted Answer to a Complaint by Ronald Coase.
- Christiane Eisenberg: Embedding Markets in Temporal Structures: A Challenge to Economic Sociology and History.
- Brian Moeran: Trade Fairs, Markets and Fields: Framing Imagined as Real Communities.
- David Gilgen: Creating the Invisible Hand: The Construction of Property Rights and the Promotion of Economic Growth between State and Interest Groups in the first German Patent Law of 1877.
- C. Clayton Childress: Evolutions in the Literary Field: The Co-Constitutive Forces of Institutions, Cognitions, and Networks.
- Klaus Nathaus: Turning Values into Revenue: The Markets and the Field of Popular Music in the US, the UK and West Germany (1940s to 1980s).
- Ruben Quaas: Selling Coffee to Raise Awareness for Development Policy. The Emerging Fair Trade Market in Western Germany in the 1970s.
- Axel C. Hüntelmann: Pharmaceutical Markets in the German Empire. Profits Between Risk, Altruism and Regulation.
- Sebastian Giacovelli: Legitimacy Building for the European Energy Exchange.
- Jens Beckert: Postscript: Fields and Markets: Sociological and Historical Perspectives.
- Tapas Mishra, Claude Diebolt, Mamata Parhi & Asit Ranjan Mohanty: A Bayesian analysis of total factor productivity persistence.
- Katharina Bluhm: Theories of capitalism put to the test: introduction to a debate on Central and Eastern Europe.
- David Lane: Post-socialist states and the world economy: the impact of global economic crisis.
- Arjan Vliegenthart: Bringing dependency back in: the economic crisis in post-socialist Europe and the continued relevance of dependent development.
- Jan Drahokoupil & Martin Myant: Varieties of capitalism, varieties of vulnerabilities: financial crisis and its impact on welfare states in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
- Alexander Chepurenko: Small entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activity of population in Russia in the context of the economic transformation.
- David Smallbone & Friederike Welter: Entrepreneurship and the role of government in post-socialist economies: some institutional challenges.
- Thi Hong van Hoang: The gold market at the Paris stock exchange: a risk-return analysis 1950-2003.
- Marcela Veselkova: Income shocks to trade balance under the gold standard.
- Katalin Morgan: Scholarly and values-driven objectives in two South African school history textbooks: an analysis of topics of race and racism.
- Stefan Bauernschmidt: Der Einfluss von Gatekeepern auf das Stichprobenproblem am Beispiel von Automobilfernsehwerbung.
- Mohamed Chikhi & Claude Diebolt: Transitory exogenous shocks in a non-linear framework: application to the cyclical behaviour of the German aggregate wage earnings.
- Claude Schwob: Did the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934 initiate a revolution in the American trade policy?
- Patrizia Margani & Roberto Ricciuti: A note on openness and economic growth in Italy, 1861-1994.
- Rainer Metz: Geschichte der Preise in der Schweiz im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert.
- Michael Grömling: Gab es Überinvestitionen im Vorfeld der Großen Depression?
- Tapas Mishra: Stochastic demographic dynamics and economic growth: an application and insights from the world data.
- Gerhard Heske: Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung DDR 1950-1989: Daten, Methoden, Vergleiche.
- Claude Diebolt: Cliometrics or the quantitative projection of social sciences in the past.
- Johannes Marx & Andreas Frings: Neue Politische Ökonomie in der Geschichte: vom Dialog der Taubstummen zum interdisziplinären Gespräch.
- Johannes Marx: Geschichtswissenschaft und Politikwissenschaft - eine fruchtbare Beziehung?: eine Untersuchung anhand der Teildisziplinen Internationale Geschichte und Internationale Beziehungen.
- Andreas Frings: Zwischen Ökonomie und Geschichte: ein Plädoyer für den Dialog der Politikgeschichte mit der empirisch-analytischen Politikwissenschaft.
- Karsten Weber: Erklärung historischer Abläufe mit Computersimulationen.
- Ulf Christian Ewert, Mathias Roehl & Adelinde M. Uhrmacher: Hunger and market dynamics in pre-modern communities: insights into the effects of market intervention from a multi-agent model.
- Bernhard Prosch: Vom Kosovo bis zum Irak: internationale Konflikte in spieltheoretischen Experimenten.
- Daniel Schläppi: Das Staatswesen als kollektives Gut: Gemeinbesitz als Grundlage der politischen Kultur in der frühneuzeitlichen Eidgenossenschaft.
- Bruce Bueno de Mesquita: Leopold II and the selectorate: an account in contrast to a racial explanation.
- Ulf Christian Ewert: Water, public hygiene and fire control in medieval towns: facing collective goods problems while ensuring the quality of life.
- Andrew Monson: Rule and revenue in Egypt and Rome: political stability and fiscal institutions.
- Gerold Ambrosius & Christian Henrich-Franke: Alte Pfade der Integration und der Versuch, nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg neue Wege einzuschlagen: das Beispiel der Infrastrukturen in Europa.
- Jörg Faust: Autocracies and economic development: theory and evidence from 20th century Mexico.
- Bruno S. Frey & Daniel Waldenström: Using financial markets to analyze history: the case of the Second World War.
- Nikolaus Wolf: Should I stay or should I go?: understanding Poland's adherence to gold, 1928-1936.
- Heinrich Best: Struktur und Wandel kollektiven politischen Handelns: die handelspolitische Petitionsbewegung 1848/49.
- Jos Delbeke & Herman van der Wee: Quantitative research in economic history in Europe after 1945 (1983).