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45.2 - Military and Welfare State
Historical Social Research
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49.3 - Debating Self-Optimisation
49.2 - Law and (De)Civilization
49.1 - Geographies of Nuclear Energy
48.4 - Doing Global Sociology
48.3 - Collective Agency
48.2 - Sleep, Knowledge, Technology
48.1 - Long-Term Processes in Human History
Suppl. 34 - Arbeit, Bevölkerung, Alter und Migration
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49.1 - Geographies of Nuclear Energy
48.4 - Doing Global Sociology
48.3 - Collective Agency
48.2 - Sleep, Knowledge, Technology
48.1 - Long-Term Processes in Human History
Suppl. 34 - Arbeit, Bevölkerung, Alter und Migration
47.4 - Infrastructures and Ecology
47.3 - Digital Transformation(s)
47.2 - Drifting Apart/Transforming Cities
47.1 - Visibilities of Violence
46.4 - Caring in Times of a Global Pandemic/Vaccination and Society
46.3 - Borders as Places of Control
46.2 - Positionality Reloaded
46.1 - Conventions, Health and Society
Suppl. 33 - Epidemics and Pandemics
45.4 - Violence Induced Mobility
45.3 - Social Finance/Big Data
45.2 - Military and Welfare State
45.1 - Emotion, Authority, and National Character
44.4 - Entrepreneurial Groups and Entrepreneurial Families
44.3 - Islamicate Secularities in Past and Present
44.2 - Governing by Numbers
44.1 - Markets, Organizations, and Law
Suppl. 32 - Celebrity's Histories
43.4 - Challenged Elites - Elites as Challengers
43.3 - Economists, Politics, and Society
43.2 - Visualities – Sports, Bodies, and Visual Sources
43.1 - Agent-Based Modeling in Social Science, History, and Philosophy
Suppl. 31 - Models and Modelling between Digital & Humanities
Suppl. 30 - Historische Migrationsforschung
42.4 - Changing Power Relations and the Drag Effects of Habitus
42.3 - Critique & Social Change
42.2 - Religious Denomination / Spatial Dimensions
42.1 - Markets and Classifications
Suppl. 29 - From History to Applied Computer Science in the Humanities
41.4 - Elites & European Integration
41.3 - Established-Outsider Relations
41.2 - Conventions and Quantification
41.1 - Risk & Social History
Suppl. 28 - Zeitgeschichte zwischen Politik, Biografie und Methodik
40.4 - Animal Politics / Football History
40.3 - Methods of Innovation Research
40.2 - Climate and Beyond
40.1 - Law and Conventions
Suppl. 27 - Politisierte Sozialstruktur
39.4 - Energy Crises
39.3 - Terrorism and Gender
39.2 - Spatial Analysis
39.1 - Cultural Life Scripts
Suppl. 26 - HSR Retrospective
38.4 - Industrie Ostdeutschlands
38.3 - Space/Time Practices
38.2 - Cultural Analysis
38.1 - Security and Conspiracy
Suppl. 25 - Zur Soziographie des Nationalsozialismus
37.4 - The Économie des Conventions
37.3 - Digital Humanities
37.2 - Elite Transformation
37.1 - Elite Foundations
Suppl. 24 - Contemporary History
36.4 - Conventions & Institutions
36.3 - Markets & Market Societies
36.2 - Fertility
36.1 - Management Research
Suppl. 23 - Kollektive Biografie
35.4 - Human Security
35.3 - Integration or Exclusion
35.2 - Transitions – Transformations
35.1 - Global Communication
Suppl. 22 - Jugendforschung
34.4 - Premature Death
34.3 - Social Bookkeeping
34.2 - Counterfactual Thinking
34.1 - Linking Theory
Suppl. 21 - Gesamtrechnung DDR
33.4 - Stochastic Demographic Dynamics
33.3 - Qualitative Data
33.2 - Elite Formation
33.1 - Discourse Analysis
Suppl. 20 - Führungsgruppen
32.4 - New Political Economy
32.3 - Historical Disaster Research
32.2 - Family Limitation
32.1 - Sports and Dictatorship
Suppl. 19 - Grounded Theory
31.4 - Constructing Population
31.3 - Biographical Research
31.2 - World and Global History
31.1 - Football History
Suppl. 18 - Buchreihe HSF
Ausgaben 1978-2005
HSR Supplement
HSR Trans
Buchreihe Historisch-Sozialwiss. Forschungen (HSF)
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Biographical Research
Cultural Studies
Data Topics
Economic Sociology
Economics of Convention
Education and Knowledge Research
Elite Research
Environmental and Sustainability Research
Figurational Sociology
Gender Research
Health-related Research
Historical Analysis and Research
(Historical) Demography
Information Sciences
International Politics and Relations
Labor Research
Legal History
Media and Communications Research
Migration and Mobility
Organizational Sociology
Political Sciences
Theory of Science, Philosophy, and Religion
Social Policies
Sociological Methods
Sociological Theory
Spatial Analysis
War, Violence, and Security
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45.2 - Military and Welfare State
Special Issue –
Military and Welfare State: Conscription, Military Interests, and Western Welfare States in the Age of Industrialized Mass Warfare (Herbert Obinger)
Herbert Obinger
Conscription, the Military, and Welfare State Development: An Introduction
Nikolas Dörr, Lukas Grawe & Herbert Obinger
The Military Origins of Labor Protection Legislation in Imperial Germany
Nikolas Dörr
“As far as Numbers are concerned, we are beaten” Finis Galliae and the Nexus between Fears of Depopulation, Welfare Reform, and the Military in France during the Third Republic, 1870-1940
Delia González de Reufels
Health, Education, and General Conscription: Chilean Social Policy and the Military in the Second Half of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century
Lukas Grawe
The Influence of Military Considerations on the 1869
in Imperial Austria
Klaus Petersen
The Welfare Defence: Military Security and Social Welfare in Denmark from 1848 to the Cold War
Pierluigi Pironti
Warfare to Welfare: World War I and the Development of Social Legislation in Italy
Carina Schmitt
The Warfare – Welfare Nexus in French African Colonies in the Course of the First and Second World War
Olivier Burtin
The History of Veterans’ Policy in the United States: A Comparative Overview
Mixed Issue
Hubert Knoblauch & Martina Löw
The Re-Figuration of Spaces and Refigured Modernity – Concept and Diagnosis
Cas Wouters
Have Civilising Processes Changed Direction? Informalisation, Functional Democratisation, and Globalisation
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