War, Violence, and Security
- Matthias Dembinski & Dirk Peters: Drifting Apart: Examining the Consequences of States’ Dissociation from International Cooperation – A Framework.
- Mikhail Polianskii: The Perils of Ruxit: Russia’s Tension-Ridden Dissociation from the European Security Order.
- Thomas Hoebel, Jo Reichertz & René Tuma: Visibilities of Violence. On Visual Violence Research and Current Methodological Challenges.
- Anne Nassauer: Video Data Analysis as a Tool for Studying Escalation Processes: The Case of Police Use of Force.
- Christian Meyer & Ulrich v. Wedelstaedt: Opening the Black Box: An Ethnomethodological Approach for the Video-Based Analysis of Violence.
- Laura D. Keesman & Don Weenink: Feel it Coming: Situational Turning Points in Police-Civilian Encounters.
- Susanne Nef & Friederike Lorenz-Sinai: Multilateral Generation of Violence: On the Theorization of Microscopic Analyses and Empirically Grounded Theories of Violence.
- Frithjof Nungesser: Studying the Invisible. Experiences of Extreme Violence as a Methodological Challenge.
- Wolff-Michael Roth: The Emergence and Unfolding of Violent Events: A Transactional Approach.
- Jo Reichertz: Escalation of Violence in Unclear Situations – A Methodological Proposal for Video Analysis.
- Ekkehard Coenen & René Tuma: Contextural and Contextual – Introducing a Heuristic of Third Parties in Sequences of Violence.
- Thomas Hoebel: Emplotments of Violence. On Narrative Explanations and their Audiovisual Data.
- Thomas Alkemeyer: The Embodied Subjectivities of Videography.
- Gesa Lindemann, Jonas Barth & Johanna Fröhlich: The Methodological Relevance of a Theory-of-Society Perspective for the Empirical Analysis of Violence.
- César Antonio Cisneros Puebla: Microsociology of Killing in Mexican Video Executions.
- Vladimir Kolosov & Maria Zotova: “De-Facto Borders” as a Mirror of Sovereignty. The Case of the Post-Soviet Non-Recognized States.
- Sabine von Löwis & Gwendolyn Sasse: A Border Regime in the Making? The Case of the Contact Line in Ukraine. [Online Appendix]
- Kevin T. Hall: Luftgangster over Germany: The Lynching of American Airmen in the Shadow of the Air War.
- Jens O. Zinn: The Proliferation of ‘at risk’ in The Times: A Corpus Approach to Historical Social Change, 1785-2009.
- Ingvill C. Mochmann: Children Born of War – A Decade of International and Interdisciplinary Research.
- Arwen P. Mohun: Constructing the History of Risk. Foundations, Tools, and Reasons Why.
- Stefan Kaufmann & Ricky Wichum: Risk and Security: Diagnosis of the Present in the Context of (Post-)Modern Insecurities.
- Malte Thießen: Risk as a Resource: On the Interplay between Risks, Vaccinations and Welfare States in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Germany.
- Jörg Arnold: “The Death of Sympathy.” Coal Mining, Workplace Hazards, and the Politics of Risk in Britain, ca. 1970-1990.
- Sebastian Haus: Risky Sex – Risky Language. HIV/AIDS and the West German Gay Scene in the 1980s.
- Kai Nowak: Teaching Self-Control. Road Safety and Traffic Education in Postwar Germany.
- Peter Itzen: Who is Responsible in Winter? Traffic Accidents, the Fight against Hazardous Weather and the Role of Law in a History of Risks.
- Meike Haunschild: Freedom versus Security. Debates on Social Risks in Western Germany in the 1950s.
- Sarah Haßdenteufel: Covering Social Risks. Poverty Debate and Anti-Poverty Policy in France in the 1980s.
- Felix Krämer: Hazards of Being a Male Breadwinner: Deadbeat Dads in the United States of the 1980s.
- Nicolai Hannig: The Checkered Rise of Resilience. Anticipating Risks of Nature in Switzerland and Germany since 1800.
- Simone M. Müller: “Cut Holes and Sink ‘em”: Chemical Weapons Disposal and Cold War History as a History of Risk.
- Karsen Nowrot: Animals at War: The Status of “Animal Soldiers” under International Humanitarian Law.
- Beatrice de Graaf & Cornel Zwierlein: Historicizing Security – Entering the Conspiracy Dispositive.
- Cornel Zwierlein: Security Politics and Conspiracy Theories in the Emerging European State System (15th/16th c.).
- Karl Härter: Security and Cross-Border Political Crime: The Formation of Transnational Security Regimes in 18th and 19th Century Europe.
- Geoffrey Cubitt: Conspiracism, Secrecy and Security in Restoration France: Denouncing the Jesuit Menace.
- John T. Hamilton: Conspiracy, Security, and Human Care in Donnersmarck’s Leben der Anderen.
- Beatrice de Graaf: The Black International Conspiracy as Security Dispositive in the Netherlands, 1880-1900.
- Constant Willem Hijzen: The Perpetual Adversary. How Dutch Security Services Perceived Communism (1918-1989).
- Ondrej Ditrych: ‘International Terrorism’ as Conspiracy: Debating Terrorism in the League of Nations.
- Susanne Keesman: The Communist Menace in Finsterwolde: Conspiring against Local Authorities? Case Study on the Dutch Battle against Communism, 1945-1951.
- Tobias Hof: The Moro Affair – Left-Wing Terrorism and Conspiracy in Italy in the Late 1970s.
- Jelle van Buuren: Holland’s Own Kennedy Affair. Conspiracy Theories on the Murder of Pim Fortuyn.
- Konrad H. Jarausch: The Illusion of Limited War: Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg’s Calculated Risk, July 1914 [1969]
- Gundula Gahlen: Kontinuität und Wandel des bayerischen Offizierskorps 1815 bis 1866.
- Cornel Zwierlein & Rüdiger Graf: The Production of "Human Security" in Premodern and Contemporary History.
- Christopher Daase: "National, Societal", and "Human Security": On the Transformation of Political Language.
- Karl Härter: Security and "Gute Policey" in Early Modern Europe: Concepts, Laws, and Instruments.
- Rebecca Knapp: Communicating Security: Technical Communication, Fire Security, and Fire Engine 'Experts' in the Early Modern Period.
- Klaus Weinhauer: Youth Crime, Urban Spaces, and Security in Germany since the 19th Century.
- Achim Saupe: "Human Security" and the Challenge of Automobile and Road Traffic Safety: A Cultural Historical Perspective.
- Magnus Ressel: The North European Way of Ransoming: Explorations into an Unknown Dimension of the Early Modern Welfare State.
- Joachim Östlund: Swedes in Barbary Captivity: The Political Culture of "Human Security", Circa 1660-1760.
- Erik Gøbel: The Danish "Algerian Sea Passes", 1747-1838: An Example of Extraterritorial Production of "Human Security".
- Leos Müller: Swedish Shipping in Southern Europe and Peace Treaties with North African States: An Economic Security Perspective.
- Gerrit Jasper Schenk: "Human Security" in the Renaissance? "Securitas", Infrastructure, Collective Goods and Natural Hazards in Tuscany and the Upper Rhine Valley.
- Dominik Collet: Storage and Starvation: Public Granaries as Agents of Food Security in Early Modern Europe.
- Cornel Zwierlein: Insurances as Part of "Human Security", their Timescapes, and Spatiality.
- Uwe Lübken: Governing Floods and Riots: Insurance, Risk, and Racism in the Postwar United States.
- Melanie Arndt: From Nuclear to "Human Security"? Prerequisites and Motives for the German Chernobyl Commitment in Belarus.
- Thorsten Schulz: Transatlantic Environmental Security in the 1970s? NATO's "Third Dimension" as an Early Environmental and "Human Security" Approach.
- Rüdiger Graf: Between "National" and "Human Security": Energy Security in the United States and Western Europe in the 1970s.
- Maria Eugénia Mata: Environmental Challenge in the Canning Industry: The Portuguese Case in the Early Twentieth Century.
- Ingvill C. Mochmann & Sabine Lee: The human rights of children born of war: case analyses of past and present conflicts.
- Arndt Weinrich: Kult der Jugend - Kult des Opfers: der Langemarck-Mythos in der Zwischenkriegszeit.
- Silke Fehlemann: "Stille Trauer": deutsche Soldatenmütter in der Zwischenkriegszeit.
- Aiko Wulff: "Mit dieser Fahne in der Hand": materielle Kultur und Heldenverehrung.
- Janina Fuge: "Ohne Tod und Sterben kein Sieg": die gefallenen Soldaten des Ersten Weltkrieges in der Hamburger Erinnerungskultur der Weimarer Republik.
- Gerrit Jasper Schenk: Historical disaster research: state of research, concepts, methods and case studies.
- Egon Flaig: Eine Katastrophe definieren: Versuch einer Skizze.
- Mischa Meier: Zur Terminologie der (Natur-)Katastrophe in der griechischen Historiographie: einige einleitende Anmerkungen.
- Stefano Conti: Lateinische Termini für Erdbeben in literarischen und epigraphischen Quellen der römischen Zeit.
- Anna Akasoy: The man-made disaster: fire in cities in the medieval Middle East.
- Christian Rohr: Writing a catastrophe: describing and constructing disaster perception in narrative sources from the Late Middle Ages.
- Greg Bankoff: Comparing vulnerabilities: toward charting an historical trajectory of disasters.
- Florence Rudolf: Von einer Krisen- zur Risikosoziologie in Frankreich: ein Beitrag zur Katastrophenforschung.
- Franz Mauelshagen: Flood disasters and political culture at the German North Sea coast: a long-term historical perspective.
- Marie Luisa Allemeyer: Profane hazard or divine judgement?: coping with urban fire in the 17th century.
- Guido Poliwoda: Learning from disasters: Saxony fights the floods of the river Elbe 1784-1845.
- Stephanie Summermatter: Die instrumentalisierte Katastrophe: die Schweizer Wasserbaupolitik vor und nach den Überschwemmungen von 1868.
- Andreas Dix & Matthias Röhrs: Vergangenheit versus Gegenwart?: Anmerkungen zu Potentialen, Risiken und Nebenwirkungen einer Kombination historischer und aktueller Ansätze der Naturgefahrenforschung.
- Michael Klöcker: Regionale Katholikentage nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg: konservative Massenmobilisierung zwischen 'Tradition' und 'Moderne'.
- Matti Polla: Peasant families in Northern Russia: nineteenth-century regional patterns.
- Jens O. Zinn: Recent developments in sociology of risk and uncertainty.