HSR 35 (2010)
Aus dem Jahrgang 2010 sind folgende Hefte verfügbar:
- HSR Volume 35.4 (2010). Special Issue: The Production of Human Security
- HSR Volume 35.3 (2010). Focus: Integration or Exclusion: Former National Socialists in the GDR
- HSR Volume 35.2 (2010). Special Issue: Transitions/Transformations: Trajectories of Social, Economic and Political Change after Communism
- HSR Volume 35.1 (2010). Special Issue: Global Communication : Telecommunication and Global Flows of Information in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century
- HSR Supplement 22 (2010). Philip Jost Janssen: Jugendforschung in der frühen Bundesrepublik. Diskurse und Umfragen
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