49.2 - Law and (De)Civilization

Special Issue –  Law and (De)Civilization: Process-Sociological Perspectives on Law in Social Change. (Marta Bucholc, Hugo Canihac, Florence Delmotte & Robert van Krieken)
  • Chris Thornhill: Constitutional Law and Cultures of Violence. [abstract]
  • Robert van Krieken: Welfare or Cultural Genocide? Law, Civilization, Decivilization, and the Removal of Indigenous Children in Australia. [abstract]
  • Aurélie Lacassagne: A Legal Decivilizing Process: Canada’s Indigenous Policies and Legislation. [abstract]
  • Alon Helled: Sovereignty and (De)Civilizing Processes in the Israeli Habitus between Revolution and Counterrevolution: A Three-Act Story? [abstract]
  • Marta Bucholc: Legal Governance of Abortion: Interdependencies and Centrifugal Forces in the Global Figuration of Human Rights. [abstract]
  • Michal Kaczmarczyk: Civil(-izing) Disobedience: Four Traditions of Examined Contestation. [abstract]
  • Christophe Granger: Rule Matters: On Sport, Violence, and the Law. [abstract]
  • Hugo Canihac: The Law against the Rule? Ambivalence, Ambiguity, and the Historical Sociology of European Legal Integration. [abstract]
  • Christophe Majastre: Constituent Politics and the Force of Law. Assessing the Role of Constitutional Discourse in the Debate around EU Legitimacy from a Historical Sociology Perspective. [abstract]
  • Lola Avril: “Civilizing” Professionals? Competition Lawyers in the European Integration Process. [abstract]
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Suppl. 34 - Arbeit, Bevölkerung, Alter und Migration

Supplement – Arbeit, Bevölkerung, Alter und Migration - historisch und im interkulturellen Vergleich. Eine persönliche Retrospektive. (ed. Josef Ehmer)

Autobiografischer Essay
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48.4 - Doing Global Sociology

Special Issue– Doing Global Sociology: Qualitative Methods and Biographical Becoming after the Postcolonial Critique. (Johannes Becker & Marian Burchardt)
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48.3 - Collective Agency

Special Issue– The Emergence and Effects of Non-hierarchical Collective Agency. (Johannes Marx & Thomas Gehring)
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48.2 - Sleep, Knowledge, Technology

Special Issue– Sleep, Knowledge, Technology. Studies of the sleep lab, sleep tracking and beyond. (Hannah Ahlheim, Dariuš Zifonun & Nicole Zillien)
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