39.1 - Cultural Life Scripts
Focus I: Cultural Life Scripts
- Onno Boonstra, Hilde Bras & Marjet Derks: Historical Research on Cultural Life Scripts. An Exploration of Opportunities and Future Prospects.
- Angélique Janssens & Ben Pelzer: Lovely Little Angels in Heaven? The Influence of Religiously Determined Cultural Life Scripts on Infant Survival in the Netherlands, 1880-1920.
- Peter Rietbergen: Cardinal Prime Ministers, ca. 1450 - ca. 1750: Careers between Personal Choices and Cultural Life Scripts.
- Hilde Bras: The Influence of Popular Beliefs about Childbirth on Fertility Patterns in Mid-Twentieth-Century Netherlands.
- Theo Engelen: Life Scripts and Life Realities: Women in Nineteenth-Century Nijmegen.
- Jan Kok: “At age 27, she gets furious”. Scripts on Marriage and Life Course Variation in The Netherlands, 1850-1970.
- Onno Boonstra: The Multidimensionality of Cultural Life Scripts: Results from a 1970s Survey.
- Marjet Derks: Sportlife. Medals, Media and Life Courses of Female Dutch Olympic Champions, 1928-1940.
Focus II: Global Protest against Nuclear Power
- Astrid Mignon Kirchhof & Jan-Henrik Meyer: Global Protest against Nuclear Power. Transfer and Transnational Exchange in the 1970s and 1980s.
- Stephen Milder: Between Grassroots Activism and Transnational Aspirations: Anti-Nuclear Protest from the Rhine Valley to the Bundestag, 1974-1983.
- Jan-Henrik Meyer: “Where do we go from Wyhl?” Transnational Anti-Nuclear Protest targeting European and Inter-national Organizations in the 1970s.
- Michael L. Hughes: Civil Disobedience in Transnational Perspective: American and West German Anti-Nuclear-Power Protesters, 1975-1982.
- Astrid Mignon Kirchhof: Spanning the Globe: West-German Support for the Australian Anti-Nuclear Movement.
Mixed Issue
- Nils Freytag, Angelika Epple, Andreas Frings, Dieter Langewiesche & Thomas Welskopp: Mehrfachbesprechung Doris Gerber: Analytische Metaphysik der Geschichte. Handlungen, Geschichten und ihre Erklärung, Frankfurt/M. 2012.
- Reinhard Messerschmidt: “Garbled demography” or “Demographization of the social”? – A Foucaultian Discourse Analysis of German Demographic Change at the Beginning of the 21st Century.
- Philip O'Regan & Brendan Halpin: Class, Status and the Stratification of Residential Preferences amongst Accountants.