Sociological Methods
- Séverine Marguin, Juliane Haus, Anna Juliane Heinrich, Antje Kahl, Cornelia Schendzielorz & Ajit Singh: Positionality Reloaded: Debating the Dimensions of Reflexivity in the Relationship Between Science and Society: An Editorial.
- Jörg Niewöhner: Making Evidence in the Future Perfect: Provincialising Climate Impact Science in the Quest for More-Than-Human Liveability.
- Hubert Knoblauch: Reflexive Methodology and the Empirical Theory of Science.
- Franz Breuer: Scientific Research Activity and its Self-Reflexive Consideration.
- Andreas Langenohl: Algorithmic Reflexivity: The Constitution of Socio-Technical Accountability in Financial Pricing.
- Frédéric Lebaron: Geometric Data Analysis as a Tool for Reflexivity.
- Stephan Gauch: The Ironic Becomings of Reflexivity – The Case of Citation Theory in Bibliometrics.
- Jon Dean: Reflexivity and Its Limits in the Study of Social Inequalities.
- Hella von Unger: Ethical Reflexivity as Research Practice.
- Nina Baur: Decolonizing Social Science Methodology. Positionality in the German-Language Debate.
- Manuela Boatcă: Counter-Mapping as Method: Locating and Relating the (Semi-)Peripheral Self.
- Tanja Bogusz & Moritz Holtappels: Third Knowledge Spaces between Nature and Society: A Dialogue.
- Ulrich Dirnagl, Philipp Misselwitz, Lisa Ruhrort & Dagmar Simon: Crossing Borders, Creating Together: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Transdisciplinary Knowledge Production.
- Rainer Diaz-Bone & Olivier Favereau: Perspectives of Economics of Convention on Markets, Organizations, and Law. An Introduction.
- Olivier Favereau: The Economics of Convention: From the Practice of Economics to the Economics of Practice.
- Robert Jungmann, Nina Baur & Dzifa Ametowobla: Grasping Processes of Innovation Empirically. A Call for Expanding the Methodological Toolkit. An Introduction.
- Michael Hutter, Hubert Knoblauch, Werner Rammert & Arnold Windeler: Innovation Society Today. The Reflexive Creation of Novelty.
- Eva Bund, Ulrike Gerhard, Michael Hoelscher & Georg Mildenberger: A Methodological Framework for Measuring Social Innovation.
- Thomas Laux: Qualitative Comparative Analysis as a Method for Innovation Research: Analysing Legal Innovations in OECD Countries.
- Julian Stubbe: Comparative Heuristics from an STS Perspective. Inquiring "Novelty" in Material Practice.
- Anina Engelhardt: The Sociology of Knowledge Approach of Discourse Analysis in Innovation Research: Evaluation of Innovations in Contemporary Fine Art.
- Philipp Altmann: Studying Discourse Innovations: The Case of the Indigenous Movement in Ecuador.
- Anika Noack: Hermeneutical Interpretations in Ethnographies of Innovations. From New Ideas to Social Innovations.
- Grit Petschick: Ethnographic Panels for Analyzing Innovation Processes.
- Annika Naber: Qualitative Experiment as a Participating Method in Innovation Research.
- Dörte Ohlhorst & Susanne Schön: Constellation Analysis as a Means of Interdisciplinary Innovation Research–Theory Formation from the Bottom Up.
- Georg Reischauer: Combining Artefact Analysis, Interview and Participant Observation to Study the Organizational Sensemaking of Knowledge-Based Innovation.
- Jochen Gläser & Grit Laudel: A Bibliometric Reconstruction of Research Trails for Qualitative Investigations of Scientific Innovations.
- Philip Roth: Including the Diary Method in the Investigation of Practices Constituting Social Innovation Networks.
- Sarah Irwin, Joanna Bornat & Mandy Winterton: Qualitative Secondary Analysis in Austere Times: A Reply to Coltart, Henwood and Shirani.
- Hubert Knoblauch: Qualitative Methoden am Scheideweg. Jüngere Entwicklungen der interpretativen Sozialforschung.
- Carrie Coltart, Karen Henwood & Fiona Shirani: Qualitative Secondary Analysis in Austere Times: Ethical, Professional and Methodological Considerations.; A Reply by Sarah Irwin, Joanna Bornat, Mandy Winterton in Forum: Qualitative Social Research 15 (2014) 1.
- Tomas Marttila: Whither Governmentality Research? A Case Study of the Governmentalization of the Entrepreneur in the French Epistemological Tradition.
- Gregor Wiedemann: Opening up to Big Data: Computer-Assisted Analysis of Textual Data in Social Sciences.
- Jürgen Kädtler: On Conventions, Institutions, Power, and Uncertainty – Some Cursory Remarks.
- Bert De Munck: Conventions, the Great Transformation and Actor Network Theory.
- Robert Salais: Quantification and the Economics of Convention.
- Jarg Bergold & Stefan Thomas: Participatory Research Methods: A Methodological Approach in Motion.
- César A. Cisneros Puebla & Judith Davidson: Qualitative Computing and Qualitative Research: Addressing the Challenges of Technology and Globalization.
- Evangelina Baralou, Patricia Wolf & Jens O. Meissner: Bright, Excellent, Ignored: The Contribution of Luhmann’s System Theory and Its Problem of Non-Connectivity to Academic Management Research.
- Christian Booß: Rechtsanwälte und politische Prozesse in der späten DDR. Eine quantitative Auswertung von MfS-ermittelten Prozessen 1984.
- Carsten Kaven: Max Webers „Die sozialen Gründe des Untergangs der antiken Kultur“ – Eine mechanismische Rekonstruktion in Petrinetzen.
- Dietmar Remy & Axel Salheiser: Integration or exclusion: former national socialists in the GDR.
- Ronald Gebauer: The peaceful revolution and its aftermath: collective memory and the victims of communism in East Germany.
- Ingvill C. Mochmann & Sabine Lee: The human rights of children born of war: case analyses of past and present conflicts.
- John Bynner: Youth transitions and changing labour markets: Germany and England in the late 1980s.
- Michael Ruddat & Marlen Schulz: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer integrativen Metaanalyse in der Soziologie.
- Susanne Hoffmann: Suizidalität im Alltagsdiskurs: populare Deutungen des "Selbstmords" im 20. Jahrhundert.
- Nina Baur: Measurement and selection bias in longitudinal data: a framework for re-opening the discussion on data quality and generalizability of social bookkeeping data.
- Mark Abrahamson, Kenneth Bollen, Myron P. Gutmann, Gary King & Amy Pienta: Preserving quantitative research-elicited data for longitudinal analysis: new developments in archiving survey data in the U.S.
- Christoph Thonfeld: Collecting and interpreting qualitative research-elicited data for longitudinal analysis: the case of oral history data on World War II forced labourers.
- George Alter, Kees Mandemakers & Myron P. Gutmann: Defining and distributing longitudinal historical data in a general way through an intermediate structure.
- Tatjana Mika: The effect of social and institutional change on data production: the case of welfare state reforms on the rise and decline of unemployment and care-giving in the German pension fund data.
- Thomas Kruppe: Empirical consequences of definitions: the case of unemployment in German register data.
- Peter B. Meyer: Who had an occupation? Changing boundaries in historical U.S. census data.
- Gunnar Thorvaldsen: Changes in data collection procedures for process-generated data and methodological implications: the case of ethnicity variables in 19th century Norwegian censuses.
- Christian Seysen: Effects of changes in data collection mode on data quality in administrative data: the case of participation in programmes offered by the German employment agency.
- Tanja Hethey & Anja Spengler: Combined Firm Data for Germany (KombiFiD): matching process-generated data and survey data.
- Markus Köhler & Ulrich Thomsen: Data integration and consolidation of administrative data from various sources: the case of Germans' employment histories.
- Martina Huber & Alexandra Schmucker: Identifying and explaining inconsistencies in linked administrative and survey data: the case of German employment biographies.
- Dirk Oberschachtsiek & Patrycja Scioch: Cleansing procedures for overlaps and inconsistencies in administrative data: the case of German labour market data.
- Nina Baur: Problems of linking theory and data in historical sociology and longitudinal research.
- Alexander Freund: Oral history as process-generated data.
- Jörg Hagenah & Heiner Meulemann: The analytical potentials of survey trend data from market research: the case of German media analysis data.
- Constance J. Jones & Harvey Peskin: Americans' psychological health trajectories: analyses of survey data from the intergenerational studies.
- Andreas Schmitz, Jan Skopek, Florian Schulz, Doreen Klein & Hans-Peter Blossfeld: Indicating mate preferences by mixing survey and process-generated data: the case of attitudes and behaviour in online mate search.
- Britta Baumgarten & Jonas Grauel: The theoretical potential of website and newspaper data for analysing political communication processes.
- Christoph Franke: Genealogies of noble families as a database for social science? Possibilities and limits.
- Janette Olivia Young: Triangulating public administrational and genealogical data: the case of Australian migration research.
- Thomas Mayer: Wie kommt die Eugenik in die Eugenik? Sampling und Auswahlverfahren von prozess-produzierten Daten am Beispiel eugenischer Netzwerke in Österreich.
- Christoph Rass: Sampling military personnel records: data quality and theoretical uses of organizational process generated data.
- Axel Salheiser: Handling ideological bias and shifting validity of longitudinal data: the case of process-generated data on GDR elites.
- Stefan Bauernschmidt: Der Einfluss von Gatekeepern auf das Stichprobenproblem am Beispiel von Automobilfernsehwerbung.
- Andrea Volkens, Judith Bara & Ian Budge: Data quality in content analysis: the case of the comparative manifestos project.
- Stefanie Ernst: Using qualitative content analysis of popular literature for uncovering long-term social processes: the case of gender relations in Germany.
- Helmut Kuzmics: Concept for validating the theoretical potential of historical sources: the case of analyzing long-term changes in the Habsburg military habitus.
- Rainer Diaz-Bone: Gibt es eine qualitative Netzwerkanalyse?
- Günter Mey & Katja Mruck: Vorwort: Sekundäranalyse qualitativer Daten - von der Peripherie ins Zentrum.
- Andreas Witzel, Irena Medjedovic & Susanne Kretzer: Sekundäranalyse qualitativer Daten: zum gegenwärtigen Stand einer neuen Forschungsstrategie.
- Janet Heaton: Secondary analysis of qualitative data: an overview.
- Mike Savage: Changing social class identities in post-war Britain: perspectives from mass-observation.
- Monique Janneck: Auf verschlungenen Forschungspfaden: Erfahrungen mit der Sekundärnutzung qualitativer Interviewdaten in induktiven, deduktiven und Triangulationsverfahren.
- Jochen Gläser & Grit Laudel: Creating competing constructions by reanalysing qualitative data.
- Irena Medjedovic & Andreas Witzel: Secondary analysis of interviews: using codes and theoretical concepts from the primary study.
- Harry van den Berg: Reanalyzing qualitative interviews from different angles: the risk of decontextualization and other problems of sharing qualitative data.
- Irena Medjedovic: Sekundäranalyse qualitativer Interviewdaten - Problemkreise und offene Fragen einer neuen Forschungsstrategie.
- Nina Baur: Was kann die Soziologie methodisch von der Geschichtswissenschaft lernen?