36.1 - Management Research
Special Issue
- Wolf, Patricia; Meissner, Jens O.; Terry Nolan, Lemon, Mark; John, René; Baralou, Evangelia; Seemann, Silke: Methods for Qualitative Management Research in the Context of Social Systems Thinking.
- Besio, Cristina; Pronzini, Andrea: Inside Organizations and Out. Methodological Tenets for Empirical Research Inspired by Systems Theory.
- Gentile, Gian-Claudio: Die Gesprächsanalyse der dokumentarischen Methode als “Schlüssel” zu selbst-referenziellen Kommunikationssystemen? Theoretisch-methodologische Grundlagen und empirische Vignetten.
- Groddeck, Victoria von: The Case of Value Based Communication – Epistemological and Methodological Reflections from a System Theoretical Perspective.
- John, René; Rückert-John, Jana: Observing Possibilities. A Function-Analytical Approach to Organizational Change Processes.
- Bering Keiding, Tina: Observing Participating Observation – A Re-description Based on Systems Theory.
- Knudsen, Morten: Surprised by Method – Functional Method and Systems Theory.
- Lemon, Mark; Craig, John; Cook, Matthew: Looking In or Looking Out? Top-down Change and Operational Capability.
- Mayr, Katharina; Siri, Jasmin: Management as a Symbolizing Construction? Re-Arranging the Understanding of Management.
- Meissner, Jens O.; Sprenger, Martin: Mixing Methods in Innovation Research: Studying the Process-Culture-Link in Innovation Management.
- Peetz, Thorsten; Lohr, Karin; Hilbrich, Romy: Management, Organisation, Struktur. Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Ergebnisse zur Transformation des Managements von Bildungsorganisationen.
- Tuckermann, Harald; Rüegg-Stürm, Johannes: Researching Practice and Practicing Research Reflexively. Conceptualizing the Relationship Between Research Partners and Researchers in Longitudinal Studies.
- Wolf, Patricia: Balanced Evaluation: Monitoring the “Success” of a Knowledge Management Project.
Mixed Issue