Theory of Science, Philosophy, and Religion
- Moritz A. Schulz: So What’s My Part? Collective Duties, Individual Contributions, and Distributive Justice.
- Marian Burchardt & Johannes Becker: Subjects of God? Rethinking Religious Agency, Biography, and Masculinity from the Global South.
- Séverine Marguin, Juliane Haus, Anna Juliane Heinrich, Antje Kahl, Cornelia Schendzielorz & Ajit Singh: Positionality Reloaded: Debating the Dimensions of Reflexivity in the Relationship Between Science and Society: An Editorial.
- Jörg Niewöhner: Making Evidence in the Future Perfect: Provincialising Climate Impact Science in the Quest for More-Than-Human Liveability.
- Hubert Knoblauch: Reflexive Methodology and the Empirical Theory of Science.
- Franz Breuer: Scientific Research Activity and its Self-Reflexive Consideration.
- Andreas Langenohl: Algorithmic Reflexivity: The Constitution of Socio-Technical Accountability in Financial Pricing.
- Frédéric Lebaron: Geometric Data Analysis as a Tool for Reflexivity.
- Stephan Gauch: The Ironic Becomings of Reflexivity – The Case of Citation Theory in Bibliometrics.
- Jon Dean: Reflexivity and Its Limits in the Study of Social Inequalities.
- Hella von Unger: Ethical Reflexivity as Research Practice.
- Nina Baur: Decolonizing Social Science Methodology. Positionality in the German-Language Debate.
- Manuela Boatcă: Counter-Mapping as Method: Locating and Relating the (Semi-)Peripheral Self.
- Tanja Bogusz & Moritz Holtappels: Third Knowledge Spaces between Nature and Society: A Dialogue.
- Ulrich Dirnagl, Philipp Misselwitz, Lisa Ruhrort & Dagmar Simon: Crossing Borders, Creating Together: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Transdisciplinary Knowledge Production.
- Michael Weinhardt: Ethical Issues in the Use of Big Data for Social Research.
- Markus Dressler, Armando Salvatore & Monika Wohlrab-Sahr: Islamicate Secularities: New Perspectives on a Contested Concept.
- Armando Salvatore: Secularity through a ‘Soft Distinction’ in the Islamic Ecumene? Adab as a Counterpoint to Shari‘a.
- Neguin Yavari: The Political Regard in Medieval Islamic Thought.
- Florian Zemmin: Validating Secularity in Islam: The Sociological Perspective of the Muslim Intellectual Rafiq al-‘Azm (1865-1925).
- Katerina Dalacoura: “Islamic Civilization” as an Aspect of Secularization in Turkish Islamic Thought.
- Mohammad Magout: Transnationalizing Multiple Secularities: A Comparative Study of the Global Ismaՙili Community.
- Brannon D. Ingram: A ‘Modern’ Madrasa: Deoband and Colonial Secularity.
- Martin Ramstedt: Politics of Taxonomy in Postcolonial Indonesia: Ethnic Traditions between Religionisation and Secularisation.
- Arianna Ciula, Øyvind Eide, Cristina Marras & Patrick Sahle: Models and Modelling between Digital and Humanities. Remarks from a Multidisciplinary Perspective.
- Manuela Fernández Pinto & Daniel Fernández Pinto: Epistemic Landscapes Reloaded: An Examination of Agent-Based Models in Social Epistemology.
- Simon Scheller: When Do Groups Get It Right? – On the Epistemic Performance of Voting and Deliberation.
- Arianna Ciula, Øyvind Eide, Cristina Marras & Patrick Sahle: Modelling: Thinking in Practice. An Introduction.
- Willard McCarty: Modelling What There Is: Ontologising in a Multidimensional World.
- Nina Bonderup Dohn: Models, Modelling, Metaphors and Metaphorical Thinking – From an Educational Philosophical View.
- Barbara Tversky: Multiple Models. In the Mind and in the World.
- Christina Ljungberg: Iconicity in Cognition and Communication.
- Rens Bod: Modelling in the Humanities: Linking Patterns to Principles.
- Fotis Jannidis: Modeling in the Digital Humanities: a Research Program?
- Oliver Nakoinz: Models and Modelling in Archaeology.
- Gunnar Olsson: EVERYTHING IS TRANSLATION (Including the Art of Making New Boots out of the Old Ones).
- Claas Lattmann: Iconizing the Digital Humanities. Models and Modeling from a Semiotic Perspective.
- Giorgio Fotia: Modelling Practices and Practices of Modelling.
- Paul A. Fishwick: A Humanities Based Approach to Formally Defining Information through Modelling.
- Günther Görz: Some Remarks on Modelling from a Computer Science Perspective.
- Francesca Tomasi: Modelling in the Digital Humanities: Conceptual Data Models and Knowledge Organization in the Cultural Heritage Domain.
- Patrick Sahle: How to Recognize a Model When You See One. Or: Claudia Schiffer and the Climate Change.
- Kevin McQuillan & Rolf Gehrmann: The Impact of Religious Denomination on Mentality and Behavior. An Introduction.
- Anne-Lise Head-König: Religion Mattered: Religious Differences in Switzerland and Their Impact on Demographic Behaviour (End of the 18th Century to the Middle of the Twentieth Century).
- Jan Kok: Church Affiliation and Life Course Transitions in The Netherlands, 1850-1970.
- Rolf Gehrmann: Denomination and Number of Children: The Case of Rural Baden, 18th/19th Century.
- Grażyna Liczbińska: Between Religion and Environment: Mortality and Its Causative Factors in Greater Poland in the 19th Century.
- Siegfried Gruber: The Influence of Religion on Marriage Ages in Albania around 1900.
- Christoph Nebgen: Economic and Confessional Relationships in 18th Century Travel Writing from the Rhine.
- Stefan Benz: Measurable Effects of Denominations on Narrative Patterns. The German Case of Diversity in Narrating Histories.
- Manfred Thaller: Ungefähre Exaktheit. Theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Möglichkeiten einer Formulierung historischer Quellen als Produkte ,unscharfer’ Systeme [1984].
- Manfred Thaller: Von der Mißverständlichkeit des Selbstverständlichen. Beobachtungen zur Diskussion über die Nützlichkeit formaler Verfahren in der Geschichtswissenschaft [1992].
- Manfred Thaller: Source Oriented Data Processing and Quantification: Distrustful Brothers [1995].
- Svenja Ahlhaus & Peter Niesen: What is Animal Politics? Outline of a New Research Agenda.
- Tine Stein: Human Rights and Animal Rights: Differences Matter.
- Johannes Marx & Christine Tiefensee: Of Animals, Robots and Men.
- Andreas T. Schmidt: Why Animals have an Interest in Freedom.
- Federico Zuolo: Equality among Animals and Religious Slaughter.
- Michael Zängle: Trends in Papal Communication: A Content Analysis of Encyclicals, from Leo XIII to Pope Francis.
- Angélique Janssens & Ben Pelzer: Lovely Little Angels in Heaven? The Influence of Religiously Determined Cultural Life Scripts on Infant Survival in the Netherlands, 1880-1920.
- Hilde Bras: The Influence of Popular Beliefs about Childbirth on Fertility Patterns in Mid-Twentieth-Century Netherlands.
- Nils Freytag, Angelika Epple, Andreas Frings, Dieter Langewiesche & Thomas Welskopp: Mehrfachbesprechung Doris Gerber: Analytische Metaphysik der Geschichte. Handlungen, Geschichten und ihre Erklärung, Frankfurt/M. 2012.
- Christiane Barth: In illo tempore, at the Center of the World: Mircea Eliade and Religious Studies’ Concepts of Sacred Time and Space.
- Harry O. Maier: Soja’s Thirdspace, Foucault’s Heterotopia and de Certeau’s Practice: Time-Space and Social Geography in Emergent Christianity.
- Carrie Coltart, Karen Henwood & Fiona Shirani: Qualitative Secondary Analysis in Austere Times: Ethical, Professional and Methodological Considerations.; A Reply by Sarah Irwin, Joanna Bornat, Mandy Winterton in Forum: Qualitative Social Research 15 (2014) 1.
- Caroline Dodds Pennock: Mass Murder or Religious Homicide? Rethinking Human Sacrifice and Interpersonal Violence in Aztec Society.
- Konrad H. Jarausch: Zeitgeschichte zwischen Nation und Europa: Eine transnationale Herausforderung [2004].
- Jarg Bergold & Stefan Thomas: Participatory Research Methods: A Methodological Approach in Motion.
- Rainer Diaz-Bone: Die Performativität der Sozialforschung – Sozialforschung als Sozio-Epistemologie.
- Karen Henwood, Nick Pidgeon, Karen Parkhill & Peter Simmons: Researching Risk: Narrative, Biography, Subjectivity.
- Annette Büttner: "Herr ist meines Lebens Kraft, vor wem sollte ich mich fürchten?" Die religiöse Deutung des vorzeitigen Todes durch evangelische Diakonissen im 19. Jahrhundert.
- René Schlott: "Ein schockierend vorzeitiger Tod": das Ende von Papst Johannes Paul I. und seine medialen Deutungen.
- Ralf Ottermann: Konstruktivismus ist die Erfindung eines Kritikers.