Historical Social Research

HSR 46 (2021)

Aus dem Jahrgang 2021 sind folgende Hefte verfügbar:

  • HSR-Volume 46.4 (2021). Caring in Times of a Global Pandemic / Vaccination and Society.
  • HSR-Volume 46.3 (2021). Borders as Places of Control. Fixing, Shifting, and Reinventing State Borders.
  • HSR-Volume 46.2 (2021). Positionality Reloaded: Debating the Dimensions of Reflexivity in the Relationship Between Science and Society.
  • HSR-Volume 46.1 (2021). Conventions, Health and Society – Convention Theory as an Institutionalist Approach to the Political Economy of Health.   
  • HSR Supplement 33 (2021). Epidemics and Pandemics – the Historical Perspective.